Dave Gibbons - Founding Pack Member

Our Mission.

To accelerate and educate a community of driven people, by sharing stories of real life human experiences of peak performance.

Project Peak Performance

Where we embark on a journey to accelerate and educate a community of driven individuals. We are here to inspire and uplift, sharing captivating stories of real-life human experiences in the realm of peak performance.

Join our pack and immerse yourself in a world of remarkable achievements. Dive into our captivating podcast, where experts from various fields share their insights and wisdom, guiding you on your own path to greatness.

But it doesn't stop there. We believe in the power of community, and through our vibrant network, you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your hunger for success. Learn from one another, exchange ideas, and be part of a supportive tribe that propels you forward.

Stay ahead of the curve by being the first to hear about our upcoming summit. We're constantly striving to bring you exclusive opportunities to learn from the best in the industry, so you can gain valuable knowledge and take your performance to new heights.

Are you ready to unlock your full potential? Join us in our community on Facebook and the learnings we have in our communities section on this website.


Over 100 Resources including articles, videos and book recommendations. Exercises, techniques and tasks for you to take away.

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